Рубрика: asia-chat-room review

  • Y.N: Because when I used to live in Paris, I already had a relationship with my lab there

    Y.N: Because when I used to live in Paris, I already had a relationship with my lab there

    Y.N: Well I go to Paris all the time. First, because I print my work in Paris. and I come back here with it to color it.

    Y.N: Yeah! Or your tailor or your dentist (laughs). Someone who knows what you like. And once you’re really happy with someone, I think it’s very difficult to find someone else!. And you know the thing about New York is that they went digital everywhere. And they can achieve an amazing result with a digital printing. Exactly like a darkroom printing. But the thing with my work – because I work with colors, watercolor, oil, and pastel – I can’t do this on digital paper. So I have to work on the old fiber paper. I’m one of the very few who are still using old photography techniques.

    Y.N: I’m happy to travel for that..And then besides that I love Paris. I think New York is amazing for other qualities, but I don’t exactly feel that it’s a real city. (далее…)